Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Todays word of the day is applause -food of the day is fried sphegetti
and Lynn replies with
fructuous [ˈfrʌktjʊəs ˈfrʊk-]


productive or fruitful; fertile
which ironically I happen to be today.
and my wife sens her WOTD - Nosedouche -which I guess I am being today...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Phil is Not So Bright

German tradition holds that if a hibernating animal sees its shadow on Feb. 2 — the Christian holiday of Candlemas — winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow is seen, legend says spring will come early.

The crazy Germans are looking at the sun and the shadow and everything they think Phil is seeing.  So they are interpreting what they think Phil sees.  Kind of like when my wife and I are watching something and she says did you see that. And in some (most) cases I did not. Much like Phil whom is staring past the old hat   and could give a Beavers butt how many weeks are left in Winter.

The weather is going to what it does with or with out Phil.

Actually Germans in hats are crazy.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Winco Freak Show Lite

Car Full of Cans

We get into the parking lot at Winco yesterday and parked next to us was a guy with a car full of beer cans. I believe it was a K car. BeerCanGuy was neither finely groomed or faintly aromatic but looked rhe part of a Winco Can Guy.   So BeerCanGuy decides to sit there and play with the beer cans, or sort them I have no idea what he was doing but he was up to his neck in beer cans...Of course he had his driver side door open all the while as he was dropping assorted f-bombs.in his struggle with the cans.

Which Blocked My Wifes Way Out of the Car

So I kindly and maybe stupidly asked  BeerCanGuy if he could close the door so my wife could get out of the car.  Hes answer was a polite "Fuc* Sorry about that". The rest of the shopping trip went with out incident.